Our mission

Honoring mind, body, and spirit through womxn-centered therapy, birth support, and intuitive readings. Empowering womxn to reclaim their innate wisdom in order to thrive throughout every season of life.


Who we are

  • Nicole Recke (she/her)

    Co-founder, Doula, MBA, RYT

    Capricorn | Libra | Pisces

    Nicole is a registered yoga teacher, a trained birth doula, and a Young Living® Brand Partner with a passion for helping women feel empowered in all aspects of life. Nicole describes herself as a “normal-bodied yogi,” a little bit crunchy yet down to earth—with a whole lot of grace and love for finding the in-between. Striving for peace, comfort, and joy in all aspects of life is a big focus for Nicole. After being diagnosed with PCOS and losing a family member to cancer, Nicole became passionate about non-toxic living and harnessing the healing power of essential oils. She now shares that knowledge and passion with others. You can look to Nicole for less-toxic options to support your body throughout all times in your life: preconception, pregnancy, postpartum, and all around general health. Outside of WWW you can find her on her yoga mat, exploring the outdoors with her family, and finding not-so-guilty-pleasure in reality TV or feel-good Fiction. She feels most at home with herself when she fills up her introverted cup with quiet time alone, makes space for breath and movement, and spends quality time with friends and family.

    View Nicole’s birth doula availability

  • Kari Goeden (she/her)

    Co-founder, Doula, MA LMFT

    Libra | Scorpio | Scorpio

    Kari is a seasoned relationship therapist and birth doula. Her unique experiences in these areas deepen her perspective and impact she’s able to have on all of her clients. Kari believes that parenthood is one of the most life-changing, yet least supported adventures a person can embark on. Kari makes the journey ahead smoother. She is with her clients every step of the way as they plan for and process the twists and turns of life. Integral to Kari’s approach to therapy and birth work is her belief that womxn are badass and way stronger than society gives them credit for. Kari’s mission is to help womxn tap into their power and intuition to help them thrive in all areas of their life. Spontaneity and creativity are core values for Kari. Outside of the therapy and birthing spaces, you can find her singing and dancing to the Frozen soundtrack with her girls, finding a new corner of her home to decorate, and exploring all that mother earth has to offer. She feels most at home with herself when she wakes with the sun, sings in the car, and travels somewhere new.

    Book a therapy or doula vibe check with Kari

  • Katrina Dombrowsky (she/her)

    Co-founder, MLIS, HBCE

    Taurus | Gemini | Capricorn

    Katrina is a soul searcher, joy seeker, and creative type. A Librarian by trade, she is passionate about curating and sharing information and resources with clients in a clear, concise manner. This passion extends to her work as our resident Intuitive Guide and certified HypnoBirthing® Educator. Katrina has experienced first-hand how beautiful and peaceful birth can be without the presence of fear and limiting beliefs, and it is her mission to spread that good news far and wide! Katrina brings a spiritual lens to Wise Womxn Wellness, with her affinity for ceremony, ritual, and self reflection. She infuses her life and work with a variety of meaning-making modalities, including Astrology, dreamwork, and Tarot. Her most prized roles include: mother, wife, sister, daughter, and auntie. She feels most at home with herself when she finds a balance between introversion and extroversion, movement and stillness, and remembers to build introspection into her daily routine.

    Book an Intuitive Reading with Katrina

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